Saturday, September 14, 2013

Understanding the "Gunas"

What is Guna ?
Basic traits of human beings that helps them to survive. This is at the micro level, the most fundamental thing required by human beings to survive.
What is a human body, a combination of flesh, bones, skin, etc etc. To survive, it needs food, water, air, etc. To arrange food, water, etc the body needs to act. If the body has the capability to act then the activity level will vary from lowest to highest. It could be as given below:

1. The activity level could be very low (Tamogun)
2. The activity level could be balanced (Satvgun)
3. The activity level could be highest (Rajogun)

The one thing that needs to be remembered is that there cannot be zero activity level. That can only be of a dead body.


The person with this Guna has the lowest activity level. Such person tries to avoid hard work, act less. He prefers to act only to survive or to gather things that are very important. In real world we call them lazy people.


These persons are those who have very balanced activity level. They think about present, future and act in such manner that their needs are fulfilled and are content about it. In real world we can take example of service class people who work to feed their family, secure their future but try to spend equal time with family, work, friends. These class are happy with their lives. Neither lazy nor very ambitious.


These are the ambitious class, who believe in working too hard to achieve that they want. In the effort to fulfill their ambition they forget everything. Most of their time goes into working towards achieving their goal. Can take example of business people.

What needs to be understood is that our activity level vary within these levels. It would be a mix of these three levels. From time to time the reason changes, like in today's time its business people who are of rajogun, earlier it were kings/rulers. Goals keep changing with time but whatever it be, as a human we will have to act to achieve them.

To be more precise, if you invent a robot that can think and act. Which can charge its own battery by finding the socket, plugs avoiding hurdles coming in the way, which can use logic and be futuristic like if the socket is not free most of time then it can have a spare battery charged for survival, then you will notice that even they will have these 3 activity levels.
Gunas are not about humans but its about activity and the reason behind the activity. There is no guna of a dead body.

Any discussion on this topic is welcome.

Jai Shree Krishna.


  1. Sir .. Nice and simple explanation of Gunas .. so its the activity level that determines what type of gunas we have .. In this modern age of technological advances , are we not making ourselves lazy by seeking comfort thus moving into tamo guna . Thus leading into all kinds of health problems like cholesterol , BP , stress . So we should aim to be balanced in activity . what would you say ?

    1. Yes ofcourse one should be satvaguni. A balanced life is the best life.
